Strategic Areas of Focus
Health, Safety and Wellness
In late June 2021, during the 83rd Grand Chapter in Scottsdale, Arizona, Sigma Chi officially entered the “Era of the Transformational Leader.” This means that we have stepped into a time where our Fraternity will intentionally focus our efforts on enabling our men to become leaders who will, in turn, be transformational in the world. In that way, Sigma Chi will achieve our vision to inspire and empower our brothers to positively impact the world.
But, if we are to deliver upon the Era of the Transformational Leader, and to seriously ask all of our men to deliver upon the promise that is expected of transformational leaders, then the Fraternity itself must set that example. We must evolve our Fraternity into the kind of organization that truly enables the success of the men who join it.
To that end, the Era of the Transformational Leader is also about us as an organization. To deliver on that promise, we must all be committed to the goal of being a transformational fraternity. Only when Sigma Chi turns itself into a transformational leader of fraternities can we ever truly deliver on our bold declaration.
The Expect More Strategic Plan is our answer. It is our roadmap to our holistic transformation and the key to our future success. I look forward to welcoming your involvement as we build the future of Sigma Chi.
D. Timothy Sanderson, WESTERN 1985
72nd Grand Consul

We aspire to develop practices and policies that will instill a culture that promotes the lifelong mental, emotional and physical health, well-being and dignity of our members.
Health, Safety and Wellness goals
- Reduce the frequency of alcohol/substance abuse conduct cases by 10% each year.
- Reduce the frequency of hazing/pledge policy violations by 10% each year.
- Preserve liability insurance costs below $200 per brother.

Culture of Accountability
Maintain a culture that effectively promotes the dignity of our members through effective risk management practices that proactively address issues of health, safety and wellness.
- Develop and implement a strategy that focuses on engraining the elimination of hazing within the organization and making a hazing-free environment part of the culture of all Sigma Chi chapters.
- Conduct a thorough review of Sigma Chi's health, safety and wellness policies.
- Increase the focus on and awareness of mechanisms to hold individual members accountable for behaviors and actions that do not align with Sigma Chi values and expectations.
Mental Health and Wellness
Promote the welfare of our members through education and access to effective mental health resources.
- Make mental health resources more broadly available to the membership.
- Conduct an assessment of current resources and endeavor to provide locally deployable resources to members in need.
- Equip chapter officers with the tools to enable them to proactively connect their members with mental health resources.
- Increase awareness among the membership about the resources available to assist them.

Chapter Enhancement
Develop and implement an effective restoration and enhancement plan that ensures the longterm growth, success and sustainability of our chapters and members.
- Ensure policies and procedures are clear and concise, revising and updating policies and procedures where necessary to differentiate between health/safety violations and policy violations.
- Move the Fraternity to a more proactive intervention posture focused on chapter enhancement.
Improve and expand Sigma Chi housing facilities to ensure every housing environment for Sigma Chi members is conducive to personal development with the health, safety and wellness of our members as the foremost objective.
- Increase the financial assets available to lend to house corporations to enable them to acquire, renovate and maintain long-term financial stability.
- Support house corporations in managing Sigma Chi facilities to ensure those facilities are safer and more valuable assets for our brothers in which to live, work and play.
- Preserve and protect every current Sigma Chi facility and assist chapters in the process of acquiring one or that wish to acquire one.
- Support the fundraising objectives of house corporations to enable more financial contributions from members to Sigma Chi facilities.

Risk Management
Infuse the Fraternity with a risk management and harm reduction focus.
- Reduce the frequency and severity of behaviors engaged in by the members that generate risk.
- Raise members’ and host institution partners’ awareness of Fraternity risk management efforts.
- Ensure the Fraternity and its chapters are appropriately protected during times of loss at the most economical level possible.
Engagement Goals
- Have 5,000 trained and active volunteers serving in myriad roles.
- Have 9,000 members donating annually to the Sigma Chi Foundation.
- Grow annual scholarship contributions to Sigma Chi members to $3 million annually.
- Implement a 1:1 mentorship ratio by having one alumnus assigned as a mentor to each interested undergraduate member.
- 90% of Sigma Chi undergraduates are involved in at least one other student organization/extracurricular.
- Finish $31 million fundraising pledge to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation
- Have each Sigma Chi member complete 20 service hours annually

Implement innovative and intuitive tools that enable members to be connected to and engaged in Sigma Chi both internationally and locally.
- Analyze strengths and weaknesses of current technology environment and develop growth plan for enhancements.
- Implement an enhanced technology platform that substantially improves the member experience.
- Enable members to network for the purpose of professional and career growth.
- Enable members to assist younger members in attaining internships.
- Enable members to find and support other Sig-owned businesses.
- Enable members to find and connect with each other for the purpose of developing and enriching friendships.
- Ensure all living members are able to be contacted and kept informed about the developments of Sigma Chi.
Demonstrate Character-in-Action™ to ensure that Sigma Chi is a recognized leader in communities around the world.
- Demonstrate exceptional interfraternal leadership by encouraging undergraduate chapter participation in campus Intefraternity Councils.
- Connect Sigma Chis to purpose-driven causes through philanthropy and service.
- Meaningfully impact the campus communities where undergraduate chapters exist.
- Be the Generation to End Cancer through meeting contribution goals to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Culture of Giving Back
Foster a culture where members feel inspired to give back in support of Sigma Chi.
- Volunteerism: Inspire more members to give of their time in meaningful ways to improve Sigma Chi.
- Donors: Implement a strategy to cultivate transformational financial support from the members of Sigma Chi.
- Mentoring: Leverage the incredible capabilities of the members of Sigma Chi to support the development of others.
- Awards and Recognition: Be thoughtful and intentional about honoring and recognizing the significant contributions of the members of Sigma Chi to its success.
- Partners and Vendors: Cultivate a series of successful enterprise partners (vendors) that enhance our members' experience and provide meaningful non-dues revenue to the Fraternity.
Events and Activities
Provide purposeful, fun and meaningful activities and events that draw members together.
- International: Expand the connection brothers have to the International Fraternity by providing valuable personal and career networking opportunities for members and increasing the number of alumni who experience the value of the Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop and other programs.
- Regional: Explore ways to utilize regional events, such as province conferences, to inspire more alumni participation and interaction; Enable members to organically plan and execute local regional events.
- Local: Increase participation by all members in local events by assisting undergraduate chapters in generating increased alumni participation and by making the alumni chapter model more meaningful and relevant to the needs of today's members.
- Travel: Use travel and experiences to inspire friendship and brotherhood (ex: Sigs at the Masters, Sigs at Kentucky Derby, etc.).
- Virtual: Increase the connection to Sigma Chi using meaningful virtual participation opportunities.

Demonstrate a deep understanding and commitment to the role that families play in the lives of our members.
- Parents: Meaningfully and appropriately engage parents in the process of their son's experience in Sigma Chi.
- Spouses and partners: Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the support of spouses and partners for their husband/partner's participation in Sigma Chi.
- Children: Provide members with tools and opportunities to introduce Sigma Chi to and involve children with Sigma Chi.
We aspire to provide our members with a broad array of resources and opportunities that will continuously enhance their growth and well-being throughout life.
Development Goals
- 100% of new members earn the Foundational Leadership Certificate.
- 100% of undergraduates have completed the Ritual for Life program.
- 100% of undergraduate officers complete asynchronous training within 30 days of assuming officer position.
- 100% of elected or appointed volunteers and alumni officers have completed onboarding training within three months of assuming the position for the first time.
- 5,000 members interacting with the Ritual every year.
- Have 75% of undergraduate members holding a certificate of the transformational leader program in addition to the foundational leadership certificate by 2028.

The Transformational Leader Program
Provide unparalleled and accredited educational opportunities enabling our brothers to reach their fullest potential.
- Place a strong emphasis on the Foundational Leadership Certificate to enable every member to have the skills necessary to progress further toward being a Transformational Leader.
- Infuse trained alumni into the process of education for Foundational Leadership to assist in imparting the important lessons conveyed through Foundational Leadership.
- Implement a strategy to provide a pathway for undergraduates to complete stackable certificates of the Transformational Leader program.
- Implement a strategy to provide a pathway for undergraduates to complete the Transformational Leader program.
- Expand undergraduate members’ access to the Horizons Huntsman Leadership Summit and explore opening the opportunity to alumni.
- Ensure graduating members have the tools necessary to translate their skills and experiences learned through the Transformational Leader program to enable them to successfully pursue their chosen path.
Ritual Training, Inspiration and Education
Connect our brothers to our values through deployment of Ritualistic training, inspiration and education. Demonstrate Character-in-Action™ to ensure that Sigma Chi is a recognized leader in communities around the world.
- Inspire members to renew and refresh their connection to the Fraternity through locally deployed Ritual education sessions.
- Make the Ritual more accessible to more members.
- Revise and/or refresh the Ritual Peer/Master program to ensure it is relevant and contemporary to address the Fraternity's needs.

Volunteer Training
Create a high-quality volunteer development framework that advances the interests of the Fraternity and our members.
- Provide a pathway for training that continuously increases the capabilities of those members who volunteer their time for Sigma Chi. Explore a “tiering” system for volunteer training similar to program facilitator qualification matrix.
- Ensure elected/appointed International Fraternity volunteers/officers are well-equipped to fulfill the duties of their office.
- Provide exceptional orientation content for chapter advisors, house corporation officers, alumni chapter officers and International Fraternity volunteers to ensure that they are well equipped to fulfill their duties.
- Make sure expectations for all volunteer opportunities are clear.
Execute strategies based on Fraternity values that demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit and empower the selection, growth and retention of individual members while improving the strength of the chapters.
Growth Goals
- Increase the number of members involved with alumni chapters to 5% of living members.
- Grow undergraduate members by 3% per year.

Member Recruitment & Retention
Provide exceptional tools and resources to enable the Fraternity and its chapters to better identify, recruit and retain men that meet the values and standards of the Fraternity.
- Enable chapters to focus on quality of members along with supporting the growth of quantity of members (where applicable).
- Focus on retention of upperclassmen to increase the retention and engagement among them during college years and beyond.
- Enable more worthy members to join Sigma Chi who did not have the opportunity to join as an undergraduate through the non-student initiation program.
- Demonstrate a commitment to cultivating legacy members.
Undergraduate Chapters
Provide exceptional tools and resources to enable the chapters to meet optimal levels of success.
- Enhance the Fraternity's understanding of a healthy/ideal chapter size and the challenges associated with chapters that are too big or too small.
- Ensure all undergraduate chapters have the necessary support to have a strong and viable membership.
- Ensure that members transferring institutions are able to continue their Sigma Chi experience.
- Involve alumni in the recruitment process to enable chapters to achieve optimal performance in recruitment of new members.
- Support the academic success of the undergraduate members and chapters.
- Focus chapters on goal setting and execution as a means of overall chapter growth.

Alumni Chapters
Implement a strategy to increase the number of alumni chapters (and associations/clubs) and increase the number of alumni involved with chapters.
- Increase the opportunities for alumni members to engage with Sigma Chi through alumni chapters.
- Increase the size of alumni chapters to enable their greater success.
- Enable alumni chapters to provide strong support and mentorship to undergraduate chapters.
- Bring Transformational Leader member development program content to alumni chapters.
Expansion Process
Implement an innovative expansion process that enables the support and success of new and returning chapters.
- Ensure that Sigma Chi's expansion efforts are welcoming to today's undergraduate students.
- Identify premier academic institutions where Sigma Chi should target to place more chapters.
- Ensure that all new chapters of Sigma Chi are performing at exceptional levels while actively reflecting the values of Sigma Chi.
- Ensure that all expansion chapters and members have the support of well-trained alumni to aid them in their growth and performance.
- Ensure expansion chapters feel that they are an important part of the Sigma Chi International Fraternity.
- Provide expansion chapters with continued, elevated support for two years following installation.

Our Vision
To inspire and empower our brothers to positively impact the world.
Our Mission
To foster a brotherhood of transformational leaders who are committed to Friendship, Justice and Learning.
Core Values
Friendship, Justice and Learning