The Sigma Chi Reach out App

Sigma Chi is committed to the mental and emotional health of its members, neighbors and communities at all stages in life. In recognition of the support needed to maintain the well-being of brothers and others, the Fraternity established the Reach Out app in 2019.

This free application provides anonymous, 24/7 access to local and national resources like helplines, counseling services, emergency responders, rape crisis centers, legal aid services and medical care providers. It also has support for the unique needs of law enforcement and first responders, LGBTQ+ members and people of color and support for those suffering from substance abuse.

The Reach Out also app contains mental health support for veterans, including information on post-traumatic stress disorder; common challenges service members face when returning from a deployment or when separating and transitioning from active-duty service; military sexual trauma and help for survivors; Veterans Affairs locations; the Department of Defense Safe Helpline for active-duty members; and the Veterans Crisis Line.

The app allows the user to answer questions such as: What are my rights? What are my options? Who can help, and how can they help? Although a member may never need these resources, chances are high that one will be in the immediate vicinity of someone who will. It is Sigma Chi’s hope that no brother will find himself needing support and be unable to access it. The Reach Out app is a way to show you are never alone.

The Reach Out app is available for download in the Apple App Store and Android’s Google Play Store.