
The Executive Committee of Sigma Chi International Fraternity, in collaboration with administrators at Cal. State-San Bernardino, has closed its undergraduate chapter there. Fraternity leaders had worked for some time to address issues related to the chapter's programming that were inconsistent with Sigma Chi's ideals and values. Unfortunately, concerns persisted and the organization was left with no other option than to suspend the chapter's charter.
As a result, current undergraduate members are prohibited from engaging in any Sigma Chi activity until two years from their graduation. Alumni with graduation years of 2013 or beyond are not allowed to be involved in any Sigma Chi undergraduate activity until 2022.
However, the Fraternity looks forward to maintaining a positive relationship with administrators at the university and returning to campus at some point in the future.
“While I am saddened that our members did not live up to our high ideals, forcing us to suspend the charter, I look forward to returning to campus when the time is right,” said Sigma Chi's international president, Mike Ursillo, BROWN 1978. “I know we did the right thing when we decided to close the chapter, but it is never an easy thing to do.”
Sigma Chi is one of the largest collegiate fraternities with undergraduate chapters at 241 universities and colleges and more than 240,000 alumni members. Sigma Chi provides a welcoming environment for young men of different temperaments, talents and convictions to enjoy a unique lifelong bond that extends far beyond college. Through world-class leadership training, and a strong focus on academic achievement, Sigma Chi sets itself apart as the preeminent collegiate leadership development organization, challenging its members to live by its core values and exemplify character-in-action™ in every aspect of their lives, and the lives of others.