As Sigma Chi navigates the ongoing pandemic, International Fraternity leaders are pleased to announce a series of upcoming webinar events designed to help our members navigate the challenges associated with COVID-19 as it relates to chapter operations, personal wellbeing and more.
You can find details about currently scheduled webinars below, and can also visit Sigma Chi's new webinar page at to find recordings of past webinars and details about all current and future scheduled webinars.



Led by Sigma Chi Leadership Institute Chairman (SCLI) Chairman and 68th Grand Consul Mike Greenberg, ILLINOIS WESLEYAN 1982; Mission 365 Chairman Dale Thomas, AUSTIN PEAY 1999; SCLI Executive Director Jim Cogdal, BRADLEY 2003; and Curriculum Development Coordinator Kaitlyn Martin, this webinar will highlight useful tips and strategies on how to recruit the next class of Sigma Chis through digital and remote means, all while following our values, that are included in the new virtual Mission 365 curriculum.


Relevant for recruitment chairmen, undergraduate members, chapter advisors and Grand Praetors.


Register via the link below:



Led by Membership Development Continuum Chairman Jesse Trout, AUSTIN PEAY 2006; SCLI Senior Director of Curriculum and Instruction Robert Rabe, LOYOLA (CHICAGO);and Associate Director of Curriculum and Development Allie Colina; this webinar will review and deliver a virtual adaptation of the  Strong Arms emotional wellness and resiliency program, and will gives our members a way to connect with one another and keep our brotherhood strong over any distance.


Relevant for undergraduate members, chapter advisors and Grand Praetors.


Register via the link below:



Led by Grand Questor Ryan Temby, RUTGERS 1990; and Senior Director of Chapter Support Dan Mathewson, PUGET SOUND 1986; this webinar will address concerns regarding chapter finances and provide advice on how to prepare for the fall academic term. 


Relevant for undergraduate officers.


Register via the link below:



Led by Risk Management Foundation (RMF) Executive Director Steve Davidson, BIRMINGHAM-SOUTHERN 1996; Managing Director of Constantine Housing Initiative Joe Fiore, BRADLEY 2004; and RMF Program Director Justin Brandt, LOUISVILLE 2013; this webinar will address concerns about chapter housing, including facilities and meal plans. It also will provide our members with current information to strategize and plan ahead with the variety of properties our brothers call home.


Relevant to undergraduate officers, chapter advisors, Grand Praetors, Grand Trustees and house corporation officers.


Register via the link below:



Led by Director of Alumni Engagement Gary Rawlings, MIAMI (OHIO) 1978; this webinar aims to provide our graduating seniors with opportunities to stay connected with the Sigma Chi brotherhood — from volunteering to finding local alumni chapters wherever their travels take them.


Relevant for graduating seniors, chapter advisors Grand Praetors and alumni chapter officers.


Register via the link below: