Sigma Chi undergraduate delegates to the 83rd Grand Chapter in Scottsdale, Arizona, elected Shelby Mecklenborg of the University of Cincinnati as the Fraternity’s 2021 to 2023 International Sweetheart on June 26. She will act as an ambassador for Sigma Chi for the next two years through her support of philanthropic efforts, provide her perspective on import programs and initiatives, assist in marketing and communication efforts, interact with undergraduates and their chapters, and represent the Fraternity at key events.

           Mecklenborg will be a junior in fall 2021 in the Linder School of Business at the University of Cincinnati who is majoring in marketing. She holds a 3.8 GPA and is a member of the Linder Honors-PLUS program. She is special events director for University of Cincinnati’s Dance Marathon event and worked as a management consulting analyst for AMEND Consulting in Cincinnati during the fall 2020 academic term. She also is president of the Kappa Kappa Gamma women’s fraternity chapter at the University of Cincinnati.

           Finalists for the International Sweetheart position were Jordan Garrett of Oklahoma State University and Sarah Simmons of Utah State University.