
This fall, Sigma Chi has returned to the Buckeye State by starting colonies at Ohio University and Bowling Green State University.
Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters representatives arrived at Bowling Green State and Ohio on Sept. 15 and 22, respectively, to begin recruiting new members to join each colony. The Bowling Green State group hosted an alumni dinner on Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. at the campus’s ice arena, and will complete the group’s pinning ceremony on Oct. 5 at 4 p.m., at the university's student union building. Contact Nick Alvarez, FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL 2014, expansion coordinator, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 223, or nick.alvarez@sigmachi.org for more information.
“We're looking to bid around 20 guys, and so far we've welcomed about 15 men to each one of our recruiting events,” says Alvarez. “Our alumni dinner on Thursday was by far our most impactful event. At it, several alumni spoke, and all of the potential members who were there walked away from the event sold on what Sigma Chi offers.”
Likewise, the alumni dinner at Ohio University will be on Oct. 2 at the Ohio University Inn and Conference Center, at a time to be determined. They will host their pinning ceremony on Oct. 12 at a time and location to be announced. Contact Preston Lees, WESTERN ILLINOIS 2014, expansion coordinator, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 254, or preston.lees@sigmachi.org for more information.
“On Monday, Sept. 29, 21 guys showed up for our Monday Night Football watch party at Buffalo Wild Wings, and we've had 15 to 20 guys show up at most of our events,” says Lees. “We are lucky that many of the guys who have shown interest in joining the colony want to do so for the right reasons. Almost everyone we've talked to about Sigma Chi identified with our values and brotherhood, and the importance that we place on academics.”