
Each year, the Risk Management Foundation (RMF) presents its Robert E. Joseph Risk Management Foundation Award to chapters that exhibit outstanding risk management programs. This year's video winners, announced at last summer’s Balfour Leadership Training Workshop, are the chapters at: Rensselaer, which was named the overall winner and earned a $2,500 grant; Michigan State, which earned first prize in event planning and a $1,500 grant; and Texas-Arlington, which took the top honors in the category of social media and a $1,000 grant. In addition, the Western Ontario chapter received honorable mention in social media and event planning, and Gettysburg was declared an honorable mention chapter in event planning. The latter two institutions each took home $500 grants.
The grants that the RMF distributed to the chapters can be used to continue improving their risk management programs, or to finance repairs to their chapter house. Through 2016, the RMF has awarded more than 50 chapters nearly $200,000 in grant monies as a result of the Robert E. Joseph RMF Award.
To see the chapters’ award-winning video submissions, visit here. Details on the 2017 Robert E. Joseph RMF Award submission process will be made available in early 2017, with submissions being due May 31, 2017.