
Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters is soliciting applications for the 2016 International Balfour Award (IBA), which is presented to the Fraternity’s most outstanding graduating senior at each summer’s Balfour Leadership Training Workshop (LTW). Applications are due April 15, and must be digitally submitted — or postmarked, if sent via the postal service — by that date.

Each spring, every Sigma Chi chapter selects its most outstanding graduating senior for the Chapter Balfour Award; from these, the Grand Praetors select the winner of the Province Balfour Award. Winners of the province award are eligible to apply for the international award by following the link in the preceding paragraph. After winnowing the field of applicants down to a select few finalists, the members of the International Balfour Award Selection Committee conduct in-person interviews of each finalist at that summer's Balfour LTW before deciding on a winner whose name they announce at the event's closing session.


Winners of the IBA are typically accomplished students with a history of involvement in all manner of Fraternity, campus and community organizations. Matthew Keller, SPRING HILL 2015, who took home the IBA at last summer’s Balfour LTW at Bowling Green State University, earned a 3.95 GPA and had at various times been his chapter’s Pro Consul, Ritual chairman and Annotator. He was also a member of the college’s student government association, serving as its secretary of student life and later as its vice president.

For more information about the International Balfour Award, contact Julia Frazier, alumni engagement coordinator at Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 243.