The Balfour Leadership Training Workshop (LTW) has long been one of Sigma Chi’s biggest annual events, and in 2015, organizers hope to make it even more inclusive by inviting members of the interest group at the University of Massachusetts Amherst to attend. According to Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters staff, theirs is only the second interest group to attend Balfour LTW, following the group at Baylor University that attended in 2014.


“The potential brothers from UMass Amherst will receive in-depth instruction on what goes into becoming a colony, as well as the requirements they will need to meet throughout the colonization process,” says Preston Lees, WESTERN ILLINOIS 2014, associate director of expansion at Headquarters. “Additionally, they will spend time with representatives from the Fraternity’s colonies, and gain insight from them about the road that lays before them.”


To learn more about Sigma Chi’s colonization process, contact Lees at