
The Sigma Chi Foundation provides undergraduate and postgraduate brothers with scholarships as part of its goal to promote academic excellence and lifelong learning. The Foundation seeks to recognize brothers who show outstanding character, academic motivation and commitment to their chapters, campuses and communities.
All scholarships are made possible by the generous donations of Fraternity alumni who donate to the Foundation. The awards seek to support the Foundation's objectives to motivate brothers to reach their full potential as leaders; support brothers’ academic endeavors; reward hard work and character; recognize and encourage excellence; and support the studies of brothers who have financial needs.
Designated Awards
Each year, deserving brothers have the opportunity to be named a Donor-Scholar winner. This program was created for alumni to endow a $1,000 scholarship through a one-time gift of $25,000 and potentially mentor the recipient(s).
The Foundation also provides a designated scholarship opportunity through the Thomas Cowan Bell Chapter Challenge. Bell Chapters will receive up to two designated $1,000 academic scholarships for qualified undergraduates. Additional designated awards will be made available thanks to the new matching donations from the Huntsman Cancer Institute. A complete list of the Donor-Scholar awards and Bell Chapters is provided on the Foundation's website at foundation.sigmachi.org.
To apply, click here.
In the fiscal year of 2013–14, the Foundation will increase the amount of direct academic scholarship funding available to $275,000 — the eighth annual increase of $25,000. For additional information, please contact Heidi Holley, scholarship administrator, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 270, or heidi.holley@sigmachi.org.