
The Sigma Chi Fraternity’s alumni program will be a major focus at the 2013 Balfour Leadership Training Workshop on Aug. 1–4, 2013, at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.
At the Grand Praetors meeting on Jan. 12, 2013, Dan Behring, RIPON 1962, and East Michigan Grand Praetor Jon Greenawalt, PENNSYLVANIA 1961, presented the alumni facilitation training plan for this year’s Balfour LTW.
Grand Praetors were given the responsibility to find chapter advisors who were new to the position and who had not attended a Balfour LTW. The Grand Praetors would then choose four brothers per province for the new training. Approximately 200 alumni are scheduled to attend Balfour LTW this year, with a goal to host two-to-four participants per province.
The training will center around the Fraternity’s Journey program. The alumni will be trained on basic facilitating skills, and they will also receive detailed training in specific available Journeys. Each alumnus will be required to learn the facilitation of the Strategic Visioning Journey and one of the other Journeys available for training at Balfour LTW.
The point of this training to make local facilitators available for deploying Journeys to each of the 241 undergraduate chapters in the Fraternity. Each chapter will have to host a Strategic Visioning Journey within 30 days of their university’s first day of classes for the fall 2013 semester.
Anyone with questions about the alumni training at 2013 Balfour LTW can contact Reece Schenkenfelder, WESTERN KENTUCKY 2010, alumni services and volunteer coordinator, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 227, or reece.schenkenfelder@sigmachi.org. Anyone with questions regarding the Journey program, please contact Jim Cogdal, BRADLEY 2003, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 253, or jim.cogdal@sigmachi.org.