Every academic term, the Fraternity’s Magisters are tasked with guiding pledges to membership along every step of their journeys. In addition to teaching them about the Founders and the significance of the Roman Emperor Constantine, Magisters must stay on top of such tasks as ordering pledge pins and copies of The Norman Shield. In order to help those officers keep track of their duties, Mason Black, WEST GEORGIA 2014, associate director of chapter support at Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters, has put together a checklist of important to-do items that arise throughout the pledging process.
Obtaining the Pledge Class’s materials
Twenty-one days before the first pledge class meeting, navigate to pledge.sigmachi.com. Select “Magister,” then “Registration,” then, “Register New Pledge Class.” Input the dates for the chapter's formal pledging, Big Brother ceremony and initiation. The pledge ceremony must occur no later than eight weeks following the pledging ceremony. Be sure to also approximate the number of pledge pins and copies of The Norman Shield that the class will need, and save the pledge class ID.
Submitting the Pledge Class’s information
Immediately following the distribution of bids, provide pledges the “Getting Started” document that is available on Sigma Chi U. Pledges then go to pledge.sigmachi.com and complete their individual pledge forms, completing all areas highlighted in yellow. Pledges must complete this step within 24 hours of receiving their bid. They will then follow the instructions on the “Getting Started” document to create their Sigma Chi U account and beginning their e-learning portion of the Preparation for Brotherhood pledge program.
Submit 400A Forms
Forty-eight hours after the pinning ceremony, Magisters should navigate to pledge.sigmachi.com to review the status of pledge form completion. They should also ensure that pledges have created their Sigma Chi U accounts. Instructions for this are included in the “Magister's Guide to Sigma Chi U.” Immediately after all pledge forms have been completed, Magisters should navigate to pledge.sigmachi.com, where they will select “Magister,” then “Review, Approve and Submit Forms” and check the box next to each pledge's name before selecting “Approve Checked Action Items.” The respective Grand Praetor will then receive an automatic notification to approve these forms.
Depledging Pledges
It is vital that Magisters immediately depledge anyone who leaves the pledge program. Instructions to do this are in the “Magister's Guide to Sigma Chi U.” Taking this step is important, and it will remove the former pledge from Sigma Chi U.
Submit 400C Forms
Twenty-one days before initiation, navigate to pledge.sigmachi.com. Select “Magister,” then “Review, Approve and Submit Forms” and check the box next to each person’s name who will be initiated. Then select “Approve Checked Action Items.” Doing this will trigger the creation of initiation certificates and the shipment of badges for the new brothers from Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters. The respective Grand Praetor will also receive an automatic notification to approve the forms needed to go forward with the initiation.