
Sigma Chi International Headquarters is now accepting applications from those who would like to attend the 2014 Horizons leadership development program. To be eligible to participate in Horizons, prospective participants must be undergraduate brothers with at least two years of academic eligibility remaining. Headquarters will accept applications until Feb. 4, 2014, and applicants will hear of their acceptance no later than mid-April.
The four sessions of the 2014 Horizons program are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:

Session one: June 1 to June 8

Session two: June 8 to June 15

Session three: July 13 to July 20

Session four: July 20 to July 27
Horizons will unfold amid the splendor of Snowbird, Utah, which is an ideal setting for outdoor adventure, interactive learning, and inspired reflection. Participants begin their experience through participating in a series of reflective and thought-provoking questions in the application process, will complement their learning through pre-session readings, and will immerse themselves in an onsite, whole-brain learning experience that engages their minds and bodies. Finally, they will continue their learning through post-session mentoring with alumni and digital leadership lessons and guidance.
To apply, please click here.
To learn more about Horizons, please click here, or contact David Hackworthy, ST. THOMAS 2012, leadership programs coordinator, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 224, or david.hackworthy@sigmachi.org.