At the 80th Grand Chapter in late June in San Diego, the General Fraternity announced the following volunteers that it recognizes for their service to Sigma Chi:

Edwin C. Fisher Grand Praetor Award winner P.J. Stephens, WASHINGTON (ST. LOUIS) 1971, Grand Praetor of the Central Florida province;

Erwin L. LeClerg Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award winners Kelly Nichols, CINCINNATI 1997; who advises the chapter at his alma mater; and Brad Wimpy, ARKANSAS STATE 1999, who helps guide the chapter at his alma mater;

William T. Bringham Outstanding House Corporation Officer Award winner Jeffrey Bird, INDIANA (PENNSYLVANIA) 1985;

Alumni Chapter Excellence Award winner, the Cincinnati Alumni Chapter; 

Jay E. Minton Best Alumni Chapter Officer Award recipient Kyle Snider, CINCINNATI 2010, of the Cincinnati Alumni Chapter; 

Parents Club Award recipient, the University of Texas-Austin Parents Club; and

Seven Lights Award honorees John Bitter, RIPON 2002; David Blum, CINCINNATI 1978; Manny Bondi, EMORY 1960; Dustin Buecker, MIAMI (OHIO) 1992; Jesse Dunbar, BELOIT 1995; Carl Graveline, CONNECTICUT 1981; Allan Hilsinger, CINCINNATI 1995; James Manocchi, RENSSELAER 1975; Roy Martin, CENTRE 1979; Howard Neill, WASHINGTON STATE 1967; Mark Paniccia, CONNECTICUT 1983; Timothy Ruff, BOWLING GREEN 1992; Robert Schmitt, RIPON 1979; Dan Sharpe, OHIO WESLEYAN 2005; Bob Stack, CONNECTICUT 1982; and Bill Wurst, RENSSELAER 1971.