
The following is a statement from Sigma Chi International Fraternity’s 68th Grand Consul (international president), Mike Greenberg, ILLINOIS WESLEYAN 1982:
The recent events at Oklahoma University that led to the closure of its Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) chapter have given us all pause for concern in the Greek-letter world and remind us of the scrutiny we face each day to live our values, represent our ideals and strive to create enduring leaders. We live in a fast-moving society where access to social platforms and news media are available 24/7, where reports of the actions of a few can quickly spread and surely soil the reputation of the masses. In the aftermath of the March 7 incident in which SAE members chanted racist words while on a bus en route to an event, we are reminded that we are only as good as our weakest link, and that as Sigma Chis we should strive for fairness, decency and good manners.  
Our hearts go out to those at Oklahoma University that they may continue to display the unity and courage to heal as a community. To our fraternal partner SAE, we know you abhor racism of any kind and we stand ready to assist you in this fight against injustice.
To all of our fraternal partners, we welcome a broader conversation on how we can take the lead on educating our students about what is right. As Maya Angelou once said, “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.”
Today, let us all learn from this experience, renew our commitment to our values and strive to make a better future.
Fraternally yours,
Mike Greenberg