EVANSTON, ILLINOIS — Brooks Buehler, TROY 2025, and Alex Shuron, RIT 2026, have been selected by their peers to represent undergraduate members on the Executive Committee for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.
Buehler is a sports management major with a minor in recreation and was initiated on Oct. 8, 2022. He has held several positions within his chapter, such as Greek Week chairman, recruitment chairman and is currently serving as Pro Consul. Buehler also has served in his campus and community as well. He’s held positions and leadership roles in committees and clubs such as the Student Government Presidential Cabinet, Homecoming Committee, Pickle Ball Club, Sports Management Club and Dean Student Advisory Council. He also has involved himself within the university by working in student services, housing, summer camps, event management and Troy Football’s recruitment and operations. Buehler is also involved in Troy’s youth sports program and is passionate about giving back to his community, whether it is through Sigma Chi or his own efforts.
Shuron was initiated on March 26, 2022. He is a fourth-year student at RIT pursuing his bachelor and master's degrees in mechanical engineering. Within his chapter, he is the current Consul and also has served as annotator and chapter editor. For the International Fraternity, he currently serves as a Ritual Peer for the Syracuse chapter and is a member of the Ritual Education Committee. On campus, he is the current student body president and is the former student government director of operations and the Interfraternity Council vice president of judicial affairs. In his professional experience, he has worked as an engineering intern at Toyota, GE Vernova and TTM Technologies. After graduation, he plans to pursue a role in mixing design and management.
Undergraduate Executive Committee representatives must be a member in good standing with letters of support from at least 13 of the Fraternity’s undergraduate chapters. They are elected during Grand Council and Grand Chapter events by undergraduate delegates.
Buehler and Shuron will participate as voting members on the Executive Committee alongside the Grand Consul, Grand Pro Consul, Grand Quaestor, alumnus member-at-large, two Grand Praetor representatives, a Grand Trustee representative, the immediate past Grand Consul and the two most recent International Balfour Award winners.