Sample Procedural Rules for Grand Council

Rule 1: Membership

“The Grand Council shall consist of the members of the Executive Committee, the several Past Grand Consuls, the Grand Tribune, the Grand Historian, the several Grand Praetors, the several Grand Trustees, one undergraduate to be designated by each Grand Praetor, and such others as may be described by Statute:' [from Constitution – Article IVF].  “The members of the Education and Leadership Board shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Grand Council:”[from Statute 4.27]. All others are non-voting attendees.

Rule 2: Credentials

The requisite certification of the undergraduate province representatives of the Grand Council has been met through the notification to Headquarters by the Grand Praetors per Statute 4.23. Members other than the undergraduate province representatives have been certified by their election by the Grand Chapter or their appointment by the Grand Consul.

Rule 3: Quorum

”A majority of the members of the Grand Council shall constitute a quorum at all sessions of the Grand Council:” [ECR 4.24-1]

Rule 4: Officers

The officers of this Grand Council shall be the Grand Consul, the Grand Pro Consul, a Parliamentarian, an Assistant Parliamentarian, one or more Annotators, one or more Kustos, and such other officers as it may elect.  The Presiding Officer shall be the Grand Pro Consul [from Constitution – Article IV-F].

Rule 5: Rules

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised edition (hereinafter referred to simply as Robert's Rules), except as superseded by our Constitution and Statutes, and the rules herein shall be the rules of this Grand Council, insofar as they are applicable. In the event of ambiguity or conflict, the ruling of the Presiding Officer shall be final except where Robert's Rules allows the members to vote on an appeal of the decision of the chair.

Rule 6: Voting

The Grand Council may consider and vote on any two or more proposed amendments as a unit under these rules, Robert's Rules notwithstanding, unless a minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the voting members object to the proposals being combined.  Each voting member of the Grand Council shall be entitled to one (1) vote, which must be cast by the individual. There shall be no proxy voting.

Rule 7: Table

A motion to table a proposed amendment to a pending measure shall be in order. If adopted, said motion shall not carry or prejudice the original measure. A motion to table should not be confused with a motion to postpone. A motion, once tabled, can only be taken from the table at this Grand Council.

Rule 8: Roll Call Vote

When ten or more voting members demand that a vote be recorded, it shall be taken first by the undergraduate members in alphabetical order, then by the Grand Praetors, then by the Grand Trustees, then by the members of the Executive Committee, then by Past Grand Consuls, and finally by the Grand Consul. To expedite the voting process, the Chair may rule to use an alternative method instead of a full roll call vote.

Rule 9: Reports

Reports by committees shall be at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. Written reports may be received by the Grand Council, subject to inquiry and clarification by any member of the body.

Rule 10: Order of Business

The Grand Council shall proceed in the order of business prepared and printed by the Grand Pro Consul and the Grand Council Agenda Committee, except as modified from time to time during the Grand Council by the Presiding Officer's ruling.

Rule 11: Resolutions

All resolutions shall be referred to the Presiding Officer who shall have the same read and without debate call for a vote from the voting members for receipt or referral to the appropriate standing committee for its further action.

Rule 12: Presentation of Proposals

At the discretion of the Presiding Officer, any proposal may be presented and discussed by a panel as follows: Not more than five speakers for the pro and five speakers for the contra may address themselves to the proposal, with an aggregate time limit of 15 minutes for the pro side and 15 minutes for the contra side. Said speakers will talk in any sequence unless otherwise designated by the Presiding Officer. After such presentation, comments may be made upon such proposal or inquiries concerning the same from the floor. All speakers are strictly limited to no more than three (3) minutes at a time. No member may move to Call the Question until each side has been given at least 15 minutes or no further arguments are made from the pro or contra side, whichever may occur first.

Rule 13: Manner of Computing Votes

On all matters acted upon by this Grand Council which require a percentage vote for approval or disapproval, the percentage of votes shall be based upon the requirements specified in the Constitution and Statutes. A majority shall mean a majority of votes cast unless clearly specified otherwise.

Rule 14: Suspension of Rules

The suspension or amendment of these rules shall require a two-thirds vote of the voting members present when the vote is taken.

Rule 15: Floor Amendments to Proposed Statutory Amendments

Proposed Statutory Amendments which come before the Grand Council as provided by the Governing Laws may be amended on the floor, provided said floor amendments are germane, apply only to the Statute at issue, and do not change the original intent of the Proposed Statutory Amendment.

Rule 16: Effective Date

All amendments to the Statutes shall be effective upon the adjournment of the Grand Council, unless otherwise designated.

Rule 17: Ballots

Ballots will consist of the proposal offered within the context of the Statute, ECR, or other proposal affected and an opportunity to vote in the affirmative or negative.

Rule 18: Elections

Only the election of the undergraduate representatives to the Executive Committee will take place at the Grand Council. Elections, including speeches, nominations and balloting, will be conducted according to the Rules for Elections incorporated herein.

Adopted June 27, 2020.