Risk Management Foundation Policy on Alcohol & Drugs

(Also see the following Governing Laws: S3.18, S6.01, E6.02-F-2, E6.02-F-3, E6.02-I-4, S7.01, S7.03, E7.01-4)


1.      The illegal use, possession, sale or distribution of any controlled substance or alcoholic beverage at a chapter house or any chapter function shall be strictly prohibited.

2.      No chapter members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, allow to be served or sell alcoholic beverages to those under legal drinking age.

3.      No alcoholic beverages may be purchased with funds from the chapter treasury, nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the chapter. A chapter may secure the services of a professional catering service with professional bartenders. Any service retained must have a general liability and liquor liability insurance policies.

4.      If a tap system, keg or other concentration of alcohol which requires a common container is to be present in the chapter house, on chapter property or at a chapter function, it is to be administered by a licensed or certified bartender who is not a member of the chapter, a pledge or a Sigma Chi alumnus. This would include, but is not limited to, pony kegs, “party balls” and punch.

5.      No chapter may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or tavern (tavern is defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This does not prohibit advertising and promotional activities in connection with fund-raising or charitable events.

6.      Due to the destructive and immediate effects that high alcohol concentration can cause, no grain alcohol or any such distilled liquor exceeding 100-proof, nor any mixture above 50 percent pure grain alcohol per volume is to be served in any form or mixture during a Fraternity-sponsored event.

7.      No chapter member may provide alcoholic beverages to members or guests by selling tickets or cups, by charging admission fees, by taking a collection (“passing a hat”), or by using any direct or indirect means of collecting money from persons attending chapter functions.

8.      No chapter shall serve, or permit the use, possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages at recruitment functions, whether held at the chapter house or elsewhere.

9.      If any member or guest appears to be even slightly intoxicated at any chapter function, chapter members shall safely escort said person from the function. The chapter must undertake all reasonable efforts to prevent intoxicated persons from driving automobiles or walking themselves home. Such persons must be accompanied by a sober and responsible member who is not under the influence of alcohol or another controlled substance.

10.    No chapter may host an “open” party (social function) where alcohol is present. Nonmembers attending a chapter function may do so only by invitation of a chapter member who shall assume personal responsibility for the welfare of guests and any damage to chapter premises caused by said guests. A list of individual guests with the names of the host should be maintained, and all persons monitored at the door for entry to every function. The safety and welfare of each guest is the responsibility of the individual who invited the guest.

11.    Each member and pledge will be instructed on the law regarding drinking age, regulation of alcohol sales, open container laws and other laws applicable in the state or province in which the chapter is domiciled, including, but not limited to, Dram Shop exposures, implied consent and host liquor liability. Instruction shall also be provided with the goal of engendering in each member and pledge a sense of responsibility toward the welfare of those who consume alcohol, encouragement of intervention to prevent any person from drinking to excess or from engaging in any potentially dangerous activity, including driving a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle or skateboard while under the influence of alcohol. Instruction shall also be provided on emergency procedures to be employed in the event of accidental injury resulting from alcohol consumption and/or use of controlled substances.

12.    Valid identification of those claiming to be of legal age for alcohol consumption (where legal consumption is permitted) is required. The possession, distribution or consumption of alcoholic beverages must not violate federal, state or local laws; local ordinances; or rules and regulations of the university or college.

13.    At any and all chapter functions where the legal consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted, water and other alternatives or non-alcoholic beverages must be served. At said functions, party monitors must be appointed or hired who will not consume alcoholic beverages. These monitors must be on duty to prevent uninvited and/or intoxicated guests from entering, leaving alone, etc.

14.    Any legal use of alcohol shall avoid providing unlimited quantities. No activity should encourage rapid consumption of alcohol. No chapter member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games.”

15.    Any and all alcoholic beverages shall be strictly prohibited from being served to, provided for, or purchased for any member in connection with any and all aspects of the pledge education program. (For more information, refer to pledge program in Magister's Manual of the Sigma Chi Fraternity).

16.    Habitual significant intoxication and/or the use, possession, sale or distribution of any controlled substance by any member, pledge or alumnus shall be deemed “conduct unbecoming a Sigma Chi,” and the chapter's executive committee shall invoke the appropriate provisions of Sigma Chi law should said violations occur (including fines, suspension or expulsion). Each such violation shall be reported to the chapter advisor and Grand Praetor. Violators shall be advised to seek qualified counseling.