Policy on Subcommittees & Expenses

Policy on Subcommittees & Expenses

For the purpose of simplicity, the use of the term “Committee” in this policy will be inclusive of any Operating Board, Committee, Task Force or any other group which meets as an entity of the Sigma Chi Fraternity or any of its subordinate or affiliate companies.

For the purpose of being clear and concise, the formation of a subcommittee is authorized to occur only if the following conditions are present:

  1. The Chairman of the Committee for which the subcommittee exists is aware and specifically authorizes the formation of the subcommittee.
  2. In the event where the subcommittee anticipates incurring ANY expense for which the fraternity may be obligated to satisfy, the Subcommittee Chairman must make a specific, written request to the Chairman of the Committee and gain the Chairman’s advance approval. In the case of a subcommittee desiring to host a meeting, the request from the Subcommittee Chairman to the Chairman must include the location, date, participant list, and other pertinent logistical information being requested.

This memorandum is being issued to ensure that appropriate controls are implemented to mitigate the possibility of obligating the fraternity to expenses that may be out of the approved budgetary limitations and to ensure appropriate communication protocols are followed so that our appointed Chairman have the appropriate opportunity to be held accountable to the charges issued to them.

In the case of questions contact the Executive Director for clarification.

Adopted by the Executive Committee in 2014.