Policy of the Chapter and Member Accountability Committee


The process set forth hereafter is designed to hold undergraduate chapters and the individual members of those chapters accountable for actions that violate Fraternity Policy. This process is overseen by the Chapter and Membership Accountability Committee (CAMAC).


I. Chapter and Membership Accountability Committee (CAMAC)

  1. The Chapter and Membership Accountability Committee (CAMAC) is comprised of members that are appointed by the Grand Consul. Voting members of the committee include:
    1. The immediate Past Grand Consul, who serves as the Chairman of the CAMAC
    2. One additional Past Grand Consul
    3. One Grand Praetor Representative to the Executive Committee
    4. One Grand Trustee Representative to the Executive Committee
    5. Two additional Grand Praetors
    6. One additional Grand Trustee
    7. Two undergraduate representatives
  2. Ex Officio (non-voting) members of the committee include:
    1. Grand Consul
    2. Grand Pro Consul
    3. Executive Director
    4. Director of Accountability and Chapter Accounts
      1. The Director of Accountability and Chapter Accounts serves as the headquarters staff support for the CAMAC.


II. Record Keeping

The Associate Executive Director or his assignee is responsible for keeping accurate records, notes, and timelines of each complaint. Each individual complaint will receive a unique case number for reference to assist in organization and clarity.


III. Accusation

A formal accusation occurs when a Grand Officer or Headquarters staff member is informed of an alleged policy violation through direct observation or written communication from a chapter member, alumnus, university official, parent, or other credible source.


IV. Investigation

  1. When the Headquarters receives a complaint, the Associate Executive Director shall review the complaint and inform the CAMAC.
  2. After reviewing the complaint, CAMAC and the Associate Executive Director will determine a violation response level in regards to the complaint.
  3. The CAMAC will proceed in accordance with the appropriate violation response protocol.


V. Violation Response Levels

The purpose of the following violation levels are to be used as a general guideline for the CAMAC and the Associate Executive Director.   The following lists illustrate the three violation levels, citing examples within each level. These violations include, but are not limited to:


  1. Level One
    1. Underage drinking
    2. Minor in Possession of Alcohol
    3. Marijuana use or possession
    4. Individual social media accounts/ posts
    5. Academic non-performance (individual)
    6. Chapter specific By-Law violations
    7. Social Media issues (individual)
    8. Personal responsibility issues
    9. Lesser university policy violations


  1. Level Two
    1. Chapter (systemic) usage of marijuana
    2. Illegal or illicit drug use or possession
    3. Risk Management Foundation policy violations
    4. Innocent bystander
    5. Organizational social media accounts/ posts
    6. University based social media accounts/posts
    7. Misdemeanors
    8. Conduct unbecoming
    9. Greater university policy violations
    10. Repeated Level One offenses (within a 2 year window)


  1. Level Three
    1. Intent to distribute or sell drugs
    2. Events resulting in hospital/emergency transports
    3. Hazing
    4. Sexual misconduct
    5. Racism or gender insensitivity
    6. Felonies
    7. Repeated Level Two offenses (within a 2 year window)


VI. Response Protocols:

First, it should be noted that the response levels (above) represent the initial response to a particular incident.  As more information is gathered, the “violation level” could change (increase or decrease) as the information dictates.  It also does not determine the outcome; in other words, initial information could place an incident at Level One, but as more information comes in, the matter could elevate to a Level Two or Level Three matter, requiring more action and documentation.

Typically, complaints that are classified Level One shall be left to the Grand Praetor and his team to handle and discharge with the chapter and University.  CAMAC will work with the Grand Praetors to ensure the appropriate, experienced volunteer individual(s) are dispatched to manage the process.

For complaints that are considered Level Two or Level Three violations, the Associate Executive Director will issue a “Seven Day Letter” (7DL) to the chapter. For most of the complaints that are considered “Level Three” offenses, the chapter will also be issued an “Interim Suspension of Chapter Operations” letter for immediate implementation.

The “Interim Suspension of Chapter Operations” letter notifies the chapter of what is and what is not acceptable under their period of suspension. This suspension will remain in effect for the duration of the investigation.

If the Associate Executive Director or the CAMAC needs more information for an infraction falling under the “Level One” category, then the chapter may be issued a 7DL in those circumstances. This letter requires the chapter to draft a written response to the allegations. Any time a 7DL is issued, the response must be received by the Associate Executive Director within seven days from the issuance of the letter. A copy will be provided to the CAMAC, Grand Pro Consul, Grand Praetor, Chapter Advisor, Grand Trustee, Executive Director, and when appropriate, the Risk Management Foundation and the Greek Advisor.


  1. Level One
    1. The Grand Praetor and the Chairman of the CAMAC are notified of the complaint
      1. The Grand Praetor conducts his investigation of the incident/complaint, and ultimately issues his final determination to the chapter which can include but is not limited to programming, progress reports, or a Grand Praetor’s Formal Warning (Statute 7.03), which states:  A Grand Praetor’s Formal Warning is a measure taken against a chapter by its Grand Praetor for any type of an “unbecoming issue” that limits, prohibits, sanctions or demands certain actions from the chapter. A Formal Warning is not a status, though the warning itself may contain certain stipulations. The CAMAC will review any stipulations made in conjunction a Formal Warning and endorse/amend as they deem necessary. The Formal Warning will be enforced alongside the CAMAC’s disciplinary decision.
      2. Any additional sanctions from CAMAC or the General Fraternity, and/or the university, may still result from the investigation.


  1. Level Two
    1. The Grand Praetor and the Chairman of the CAMAC are notified of the complaint.
    2. The Associate Executive Director issues a 7DL to the chapter.
    3. After the chapter’s response to the 7DL is reviewed by the CAMAC and the Associate Executive Director, and CAMAC’s investigation is complete, the CAMAC will issue a final determination to the chapter.
    4. The final determination can include, but is not limited to:
      1. Individual discipline through the “Member Accountability Form”
      2. Chapter-wide educational programming with mandated attendance requirement.
      3. Restitution fines to the chapter.
      4. Mandated community service hours.
      5. Limited recruitment period.
      6. Membership Review
      7. Suspension of the Charter
      8. Other sanctions, restorative justice or corrective measures as CAMAC sees fit.


  1. Level Three
    1. The Grand Praetor and the Chairman of the CAMAC are notified of the complaint.
    2. The Associate Executive Director issues a 7DL to the chapter.
    3. The Associate Executive Director issues an “Interim Suspension of Chapter Operations” notice to the chapter.
    4. After the chapter’s response to the 7DL is reviewed by the CAMAC and the Associate Executive Director, and CAMAC’s investigation is complete, the CAMAC will issue a final determination to the chapter.
    5. The sentencing can include, but is not limited to:
      1. Individual discipline through the “Member Accountability Form”
      2. Chapter-wide educational programming with mandated attendance requirement.
      3. Restitution fines to the chapter.
      4. Mandated community service hours.
      5. Limited recruitment period.
      6. Membership Review
      7. Suspension of the Charter
      8. Other sanctions, restorative justice or corrective measures as CAMAC sees fit.


VII. Membership Review

The result of CAMAC’s determination may include a membership review. This is a procedure that utilizes specific criteria to determine which brothers are still worthy of serving as undergraduate members in the chapter. Once a membership review is called for, each undergraduate member is placed on “alumni status” until completion of the membership review and the Membership Review Report has been approved by the Executive Committee.  For proper procedure to conducting a membership review, please see the “Membership Review Manual”. Due to its length, it is omitted from inclusion in this publication. A copy is available by contacting the Associate Executive Director.


VIII. Final Disposition of Disciplinary/Restorative Justice Matters

Once a chapter has entered the CAMAC disciplinary/investigative process, there are a variety of ways in which a chapter will exit the process, thereby closing the incident.  The following is a list of the most typical exit avenues and their associated closing documents:

  1. Charter Suspension or Revocation
  2. Membership Review & report
  3. Chapter Revitalization Letter
  4. CAMAC Final Determination Letter
  5. University Probation and/or Sanction Report
  6. Member Accountability Form (for individual matters)
  7. Grand Praetor’s Formal Warning
  8. Return to Good Standing
  9. Resolution at BLTW Meeting with CAMAC

Once an investigation is completed and a chapter is issued a final determination letter, or is returned to a probationary status while working through the elements of a sanction letter, a revitalization letter, membership review requirements, or some other expectations, the chapter may be placed on CAMAC MONITORING.  This isn’t disciplinary in and of itself – it is simply an internal CAMAC method for identifying chapters which are working through a final process who may need additional assistance and resources from our Headquarters Chapter Support Team.  It assists us internally in helping the chapter succeed while tracking its progress.  Chapters placed on CAMAC MONITORING will typically remain on that status until the next Summer BLTW session when they will meet with CAMAC and review their progress.


IX. Trial Boards

Universal Trial Boards will be employed for addressing individual conduct decisions which result in appeals.  Trial Board procedures are outlined further in the Governing Laws.