alumni awards

Annual Alumni Awards

Sigma Chi International Fraternity recognizes individuals and groups that work in service to the organization, its members and the communities to which Sigma Chis belong as part of the Fraternity's annual alumni award process. A list of available awards and past recipients can be found below.

All nominations must be submitted at our nomination site by March 31. If you have questions about the awards or nominations process, please contact us at

You can access our nominations site and see all of the awards available this year by clicking the button below.

This award, established in 1985, honors a Grand Praetor who has executed his statutory duties, aided brothers and their chapters in reaching their full potential, and strived to foster a spirit of brotherly unity among the chapters within his province. It is named for former Grand Praetor and past Grand Quaestor Edwin C. Fisher, ILLINOIS 1928. This award is presented biannually at Grand Chapter. Fisher was also an Order of Constantine Sig.


To view a list of award recipients, please click here.


This award is only recognized in Grand Chapter years (odd-numbered calendar years).

Established in 1972, this award recognizes the most outstanding chapter advisor(s) in the Fraternity. The award is named for Order of Constantine Sig Erwin L. LeClerg, COLORADO STATE 1923. LeClerg was a Grand Praetor of the Eastern province, a member of the Executive Committee and an advisor to the undergraduate chapters at Colorado State, Louisiana State, George Washington and Maryland.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

This award was created in 1928, and in 1975 was named in honor of Order of Constantine Sig Jay E. Minton Sr., MISSOURI-COLUMBIA 1920, past alumni chapter officer and vice president of the Order of Constantine. The award recognizes outstanding leadership, administration, Fraternity relations and service, effectiveness and improvement by an officer in his alumni chapter.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

The Seven Lights Alumni Award is presented to alumni members who have demonstrated significant service to the Fraternity.

Nominations are due to Headquarters by March 31 of each year and will be reviewed by the Alumni Awards Committee by the following June 1. Each recipient will receive a certificate to be presented at the local level; an additional certificate is prepared for the recipient’s undergraduate chapter for their archives.

To be eligible for this award, a recipient must have 10 or more years experience as an active Fraternity alumnus. No more than 28 Seven Lights Alumni Awards shall be given out annually. Order of Constantine inductees are not eligible to receive this award.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

First presented in 1974, the William T. Bringham Best House Corporation Officer Award is named for Order of Constantine Sig and Significant Sig William T. Bringham, ILLINOIS WESLEYAN 1946, Sigma Chi’s executive secretary from 19541989. This award is given to the house corporation officer who has demonstrated outstanding loyalty to Sigma Chi through personal leadership, time and effort.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

Established in 1999, this award recognizes the accomplishments of an entire alumni chapter to improve the alumni experience. This biennial award is presented at Grand Chapter to all alumni chapters selected on the basis of excellence in membership fulfillment, undergraduate support, and community involvement.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

Please note this award is unavailable in 2023.

Named for Order of Constantine Sig Dr. Donald B. Ward, NORTHWESTERN 1942, this award was created in 1957 to recognize the alumni chapter that makes the most significant contribution to the welfare of its community or to a worthy regional, national or international charity.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

Please note this award is unavailable in 2023.

In 1974, Sigma Chi established the Edna A. Boss Houseparent Award at the suggestion of the Delta Upsilon Chapter at Kansas State, which provides financial support for the award. It is named for Edna A. Boss, who served as the Kansas State chapter’s housemother for 20 years.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

Please note this award is unavailable in 2023.

This award recognizes the parents club that has significantly contributed to the Sigma Chi experience of their sons and their respective undergraduate chapters. Presented annually, this award honors a parents club for its support of a chapter’s operations, as well as the membership size and longevity of the respective club.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

Please note this award is unavailable in 2023.

The Dr. Henri Stegemeier Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award pays tribute to the Fraternity’s most outstanding faculty advisor. A 1932 graduate of Butler University, Stegemeier served the University of Illinois undergraduate chapter as its faculty advisor from more than 40 years. Stegemeier was a member of the Order of Constantine, a professor emeritus of German and the chairman of the University of Illinois’ German department. His long and distinguished service to the Fraternity embodied the true spirit of Sigma Chi.

To view a list of award recipients, please click here.

Please note this award is unavailable in 2023.