Sigma Chi International Fraternity has selected 20 men for induction to the Order of Constantine, which is the highest honor for members who have committed years of exemplary service to the organization.
The 2024 honorees will be inducted to the Order of Constantine either at Sigma Chi’s 85th Grand Chapter in Aurora, Colorado, in June 2025 or at a local Fraternity event.
Fewer than 900 brothers have been inducted into the Order of Constantine since its establishment during the 47th Grand Chapter in Seattle in 1948. To be considered for induction into the Order of Constantine, prospective members must have performed 20 years of faithful service to the Fraternity and be endorsed by four Sigma Chis for admission, at least three of whom must have been inducted into the select group in a prior year.
Below is the list of new inductees:
- Kendall Anderson, SOUTHERN UTAH 1995
- David Ashinoff, WILLIAM & MARY 2003
- Kevin Bidenkap, ARIZONA STATE 1990
- Significant Sig Michael Bryson, PITTSBURGH 1968
- Robert Canfield, KENT STATE 1978
- Nathan Cranston, MONTANA 2004
- Marl Cummings III, ALABAMA 1975
- Mark Douglas, GEORGIA 1995
- Jesse Dunbar, BELOIT 1995
- Bradley Gordon, SOUTH ALABAMA 1994
- Brandon Halaufia, UTAH STATE 1999
- Todd Larson, DRAKE 1998
- Christopher Lastrapes, TULSA 2003
- Ron Powell, SAN DIEGO STATE 1985
- John Santora Jr., KENT STATE 2002
- Significant Sig Richard Segal, YALE and HARVARD 1988
- Brian Keith Snyder, TROY 1985
- Christopher Walters, ROANOKE 2000
- Andrew Williams, DALHOUSIE-ST. MARY’S 1991