Order of Constantine and Significant Sig Jeff Muir, GEORGIA 1971, elected chairman

Sixty-Ninth Grand Consul, Order of Constantine Sig and Significant Sig Michael Ursillo, BROWN 1978, elected vice chairman

EVANSTON, IL (FEBRUARY 6, 2023) — The Sigma Chi Foundation announced today that its Board of Governors has elected new leadership for the 2024 to 2026 biennium.

Order of Constantine Sig and Significant Sig Jeff Muir, GEORGIA 1971, has been elected chairman, while Sigma Chi’s 69th Grand Consul, Order of Constantine Sig and Significant Sig Michael Ursillo, BROWN 1978, was named vice chairman.

The new roles became effective following the conclusion of the Foundation's January Board of Governors meeting in Evanston.

“Brothers Muir and Ursillo bring incredible leadership experience and a deep passion for Sigma Chi into their new roles,” said Sigma Chi Foundation President & General Counsel John Price, OKLAHOMA STATE 1991. “They have each been long engaged with the Fraternity as volunteers at the regional and international levels for many years, and have generously paid it forward and supported many important Foundation initiatives to benefit our undergraduate members.

“Jeff and Mike have also worked diligently in their positions on the Foundation Board of Governors to both positively impact our young brothers across North America and recognize the important role that our alumni donors and volunteers play to ensure the success of the entire Sigma Chi enterprise. We look forward to the next biennium under their leadership.”

For the first time in Foundation history, the Board of Governors’ top two leadership positions are held by alumni who are past recipients of the Foundation’s General Academic Scholarship award. Additionally, through their longtime service and generosity, both are members of Sigma Chi’s prestigious Founders’ Circle.

Muir, who joined the Foundation board in 2013 and served as vice chairman during the prior biennium, is co-founder and former managing partner of Fulcrum Equity Partners, a leading PE firm in the South with $1 billion under management. As a volunteer, he has served Sigma Chi for over 50 years in a variety of roles, including the inaugural chairman of its licensing committee, past president of the Order of Constantine, co-chair of two Delta Chapter capital campaigns, and a 25-year involvement with Leadership Training Workshop, including Leadership Training Board member and division chairman.

Said Muir, “Sigma Chi, its values, deep friendships, and leadership experiences have had an enormous positive impact on my life and career, and I am committed to paying it forward. The Sigma Chi Leadership Institute (SCLI) with its comprehensive curriculum of innovative programs is what our undergraduate brothers need to succeed personally and professionally in these challenging times on college campuses. The Foundation is charged with raising the significant funding required for SCLI and Sigma Chis growing academic scholarship program. None of this is possible without the continued generosity of our donors, the hard work of our volunteers, and our important partnership with the entire Sigma Chi Enterprise and its leaders. We are all committed and invested in Sigma Chi and the bright future that lies ahead for our great Fraternity.”

Ursillo, who joined the Foundation Board of Governors in 2019, is managing partner of Ursillo, Teitz & Ritch, where he specializes in municipal and business law. Also a longtime volunteer, he has served Sigma Chi in a myriad of roles, including Grand Praetor, chairman of the Leadership Training Board and president of the Order of Constantine before his elections as Grand Pro Consul in 2013 and 69th Grand Consul in 2015.

“I joined the Board of Governors because I believe in the mission of the Foundation and have witnessed firsthand how its many initiatives make a real difference to our undergraduate brothers,” said Ursillo. “I look forward to working with Jeff and our dedicated board and staff to ensure that we continue to serve the needs of our brothers for many years to come.”