Expansion Policies & Petitioning Procedures

A distinction shall hereby be made between a chapter eligible for rehabilitation and reactivation. The requirements to be eligible for rehabilitation will be as follows:



The Executive Committee must have received express written permission from the host institution, granting permission to reestablish the chapter. The Executive Committee must receive the invitation from the host institution to return in a period of less than three years from the date of suspension. A chapter who qualifies for rehabilitation will be rehabilitated under the guidelines of the Policy for Rehabilitation of Suspended Chapters. The chapter will be rehabilitated at the direction of the Chapter and Member Accountability Committee (CAMAC) and the Executive Committee (EC).



In the instance that Sigma Chi Fraternity acquires an invitation to return to the host institution in a period of more than three years from the date of suspension, the chapter will be reactivated under the following guidelines.

The reactivation procedures—that is the procedures with which to reactivate a suspended or inactive charter—is, with several exceptions, identical to the standard expansion procedure. Therefore, the Reactivation Procedures and Guidelines are almost identical to the Expansion Policies and Procedures. For that reason, only those aspects of the policy unique to the reactivation of chapters are reproduced below. For more information on the expansion procedure, please refer to the Expansion Policies and Procedures.


Reactivation Procedures

Approval of the Institution by the Fraternity – The New Chapter Development Committee (NCDC) will review and approve colleges and universities at which the reactivation of a Sigma Chi chapter is judged likely to be beneficial to the General Fraternity. The approval of an institution shall be determined by attaching appropriate weight to all factors listed here.

Earliest Date of Return – The process to begin selecting new members for a reactivation group cannot begin until all members of the suspended chapter have either left the institution or five years have passed, whichever comes first. Exceptions to the date of return policy may be made by the Executive Committee.

Causes of the chapter’s charter suspension – If the causes are not a result of irreversible external factors (i.e. environmental circumstances) then there must be an investigation to determine if any conditions were established by the Fraternity prior to the chapter qualifying for reactivation.

Outstanding debt – All outstanding debt for semi-annual dues, pledge and initiation fees must be paid in full to the Fraternity along with any outstanding debt to vendors, businesses and loan services. This outstanding debt should be paid by alumni. A specific plan outlining how and when this debt will be paid must be submitted to and approved by the Executive Committee.

Grand Praetor consultation – Determine if the Grand Praetor is in favor of returning to the institution.

Approval of the college or university – Determine if the institution provides an acceptable environment for Greek organizations. Evaluate the recent success or trends within the existing Greek environment. Give special attention to ongoing disciplinary situations affecting existing Greek organizations.

Alumni chapter – Determine if there is a functioning Sigma Chi alumni chapter willing to sponsor and support the reactivation.

Investigating report – After the NCDC receives the investigating report from the expansion staff, the committee shall consider the desirability of re-establishing Sigma Chi at the school, giving primary consideration to the chances for the chapter’s success in terms of the school’s environment and in view of the potential for a repeat of the problems that originally led to the charter suspension.

Prioritization – The selection of institutions that previously hosted a Sigma Chi chapter will be given special consideration.

Ritual Paraphernalia Purchase – At least six weeks prior to the beginning of I-week, the Colony shall submit payment to the Fraternity Headquarters in the amount of $5,000 for payment of Ritual Paraphernalia. In the event that the Colony or its alumni are still in possession of prior ritual paraphernalia, the Grand Praetor will need to inspect these items in order to determine whether or not they are in suitable and acceptable condition. If he determines that some or all of these items are acceptable, the Colony may petition the Executive Committee for an exemption from the requirement to purchase new items. Any exemptions will be at the explicit consent of the Executive Committee and will reduce the $5,000 Installation Fee by a proportionate amount.