
Beginning March 15, chapters will be able to access applications for the Peterson Significant Chapter Award through sigmachi.org. Completed applications are due no later than May 1.


The Peterson Award is considered to be Sigma Chi’s highest honor for undergraduate chapters, recognizing those brothers who earn high marks in the areas of financial stability and recruitment, chapter and member reputation, and Ritual comprehension and performance. Peterson Awards come in two varieties: The Peterson Blue Award is given to those chapters that score between 90 and 96.99 percent on their applications, while the Peterson Gold Award is reserved for those chapters that score 97 percent or greater. In 2015, 81 chapters earned Peterson Blue Awards, while seven chapters took home Peterson Gold Awards.


In addition, Peterson Award applications are used to determine recipients of other awards, such as the James F. Bash Significant Improvement Award that is given to those chapters that do not earn a Peterson Award but who improve their year-to-year Peterson Award score by 15 percent or greater.


For more information about the Peterson Significant Chapter Award and its application process, contact Michael Church, ILLINOIS 2005, executive director at Sigma Chi Interntional Fraternity Headquarters, at (847) 869-3655, ext. 269.