
With 79th Grand Chapter now less than a month away, the Sigma Chi Fraternity is still working to guarantee quorum in order to pass legislation at this summer’s gala in Washington D.C. from June 27–30, 2013.
The Fraternity and 67th Grand Consul Dennis Santoli, CASE WESTERN 1967, is reaching out to all alumni delegates to send in their forms to Sigma Chi International Headquarters as soon as possible.
Dear Alumnus Brother,
The registration deadline of June 17, for the Fraternity’s 79th Grand Chapter is fast approaching. Grand Chapter will be held at the Renaissance Washington, D.C., Downtown Hotel, June 27-29, 2013. All Alumni Chapters are entitled to a voice at Grand Chapter through a designated representative who will vote on behalf of their chapter in the election of new Grand Officers and matters of Fraternity legislation. As your chapter’s President, I encourage you, or a designated chapter representative, to attend what will unquestionably be a unique and memorable Sigma Chi experience.
In addition to being held in our vibrant and historic nation’s capital, the Fraternity has organized a series of unique events to complement the Fraternity’s legislative business and recognition of our recent Order of Constantine and Significant Sig inductees. These events include a lunch on Capitol Hill with congressional leaders, an International Sweetheart reception in the Carnegie Library, and a White Rose Ceremony at Founder Benjamin Piatt Runkle’s Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.
All Sigma Chis and their families are welcome to attend this biennial event, where we expect over 600 attendees. Accordingly, the Fraternity has arranged for a special room rate of $124 plus tax, per night, at the Renaissance Washington, D.C, Downtown Hotel.
I encourage you or your designated Alumni Chapter delegate to register now by visiting http://grandchapter.sigmachi.org (a copy of the front page is enclosed). In addition, you must complete and submit a certified delegate form, a copy of which has also been enclosed with instructions.
If you have any questions or challenges with the registration process, please contact our Headquarters Staff, Michael Dunn, at 847.869.3655 ext. 228.
Your chapter’s representation is needed by our Fraternity; I accordingly look forward to seeing you or your delegate at Grand Chapter in Washington, D.C.
In Hoc,
Dennis Santoli


In order to become a delegate, interested brothers must first register for Grand Chapter at grandchapter.sigmachi.org/register. There is to be only one delegate per chapter. Chapters can register an alternate delegate, but only one delegate can represent a chapter.
The delegate must also complete the certified delegate form and return it to Reece Schenkenfelder, WESTERN KENTUCKY 2010, alumni and volunteer services coordinator. Mailed delegate forms are preferred. Here’s where to send them:
By mail: 1714 Hinman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201;By email: reece.schenkenfelder@sigmachi.org;By fax: (847) 869-4906.

Also remember: All alumni chapter/association delegates must complete their delegate forms and have them signed by the alumni chapter/association president and secretary, while undergraduate delegates must have their forms completed and signed by the chapter Consul and Annotator.
If delegates return the form without physical signatures, the Fraternity will need confirmation emails from the Consul and Annotator about who the delegate is. The email should read: “I, the (Consul/Annotator), am writing to confirm (Name of Delegate) as the delegate for the (Chapter Name) for Grand Chapter.” If the Consul is the delegate, then the Fraternity will only need a confirmation email from the Annotator.
Undergraduate delegates do not have to pay for the registration fee, but they will have to pay for travel and hotel accommodations. At the end of Grand Chapter, undergraduate delegates are eligible for a travel stipend of 8 cents per mile for the first 1,000 miles and 10 cents per mile thereafter.
Anyone with questions can contact Schenkenfelder at (847) 869-3655, ext. 227, or reece.schenkenfelder@sigmachi.org.