
Ready to be part of Sigma Chi Fraternity history? Undergraduate and alumni chapters can do so by casting votes to grant charters to the colonies at Florida Atlantic University and the University of New Hampshire.
On May 4, 2011, then-Consul of the New Hampshire colony, Nick Tzavalas, 2013, received a letter from Director of Expansion Nick Conway, CAL. STATE-FRESNO 2010, declaring that the New Chapter Development Committee (NCDC) and the Fraternity’s Executive Committee (EC) voted unanimously to accept its Declaration of Intent to become a colony of the Fraternity.
Later that year, on Sept. 17, 2011, then-Consul of the Florida Atlantic colony, Daniel Tasman, 2012, received a letter from Director of Expansion Matt Pagan, NORTH FLORIDA 2010, receiving the same great news from the NCDC and the EC.
Nearly two years later, both the New Hampshire and Florida Atlantic colonies are waiting on more important votes — votes to become Sigma Chi’s 241st and 242nd chapters, respectively. New Hampshire — known as Sigma Chi Upsilon — is scheduled to be installed April 27, 2013, while the Sigma Chi Phi colony at Florida Atlantic is scheduled to have its installation a week later on May 4, 2013.
To read the New Hampshire colony’s formal petition, please click here, or visit the colony’s website here.
To view Florida Atlantic’s formal petition, please click here, or visit its website here.
After perusing the colony’s correspondence, meet as a chapter to discuss the petitions and vote on whether or not to grant a charter to each colony. Then email the results of the vote on New Hampshire to Conway at nick.conway@sigmachi.org and the results of the vote for Florida Atlantic University to Pagan at matt.pagan@sigmachi.org.
The deadline to cast a vote to grant the New Hampshire colony its charter is Tuesday, April 23, 2013, while the deadline to cast a vote to grant the Florida Atlantic colony is April 22, 2013.
When emailing Conway the results, please title the subject line of the chapter’s email as “Sigma Chi Upsilon Vote.” In the text of the email, please clearly state the chapter’s name and whether the chapter is in favor of or against granting a charter for a Sigma Chi chapter at the University of New Hampshire.
When emailing Pagan the results, please title the subject line of the chapter’s email as “Sigma Chi Phi Vote.” In the text of the email, please clearly state the chapter’s name and whether the chapter is in favor of or against granting a charter for a Sigma Chi chapter at Florida Atlantic University.
To be granted a charter, each colony will need not less than 75 percent of voting chapters to vote in its favor. Anyone with questions on this process should please contact Conway at (847) 869-3655, ext. 221, or Pagan at (847) 869-3655, ext. 208.