Significant Sigs


As one of the Fraternity’s highest honors, The Significant Sig Award recognizes those alumni members whose exemplary achievements in their fields of endeavor have brought great honor and prestige to the name of Sigma Chi.

Although all Sigma Chi brothers aspire to achieve greatness in their individual lives and professions, The Significant Sig Selection Committee can only recommend those brothers whose efforts and achievements have positioned themselves at the highest levels of their peer group professionally.  

Sigma Chi Fraternity has recognized more than 1,900 brothers since the award's introduction at the 1935 Grand Chapter. Alumni in any profession, occupation, or philanthropic endeavor who meet the highest level of achievement are eligible for consideration. Only living members of the Fraternity are considered for the award.

To view a list of all Significant Sigs, please click here.


Nominations must be received no later than Nov. 30 of any given year in order to be considered. Nominators are notified of the committee's decision by March 15 of the following year. A nomination must consist of a completed application that includes summaries of the nominee's past and present occupations and positions, professional and/or civic activities, and honors or awards received. Service to Sigma Chi as an undergraduate or alumnus is not a criterion for this award and need not be listed.

You can access the online nomination form here on the membership page, where you can click on a link after signing in to begin the application. Beginning Oct. 1 annually, all nominations must be submitted online. Please contact, with any questions. 


The Fraternity's Significant Sig selection committee is responsible for selecting Significant Sig recipients. This selection committee acts as a sub-committee of the Fraternity's Executive Committee and is appointed by the Grand Consul. The selection committee sends its list of approved candidates to the Executive Committee for a final approval vote. The selection committee receives support from the International Fraternity Headquarters staff for the purpose of receiving and maintaining submitted nominations and preparing ballots, and to summarize the candidate list on behalf of the selection committee.

There is no minimum or maximum number of brothers honored each year. However, only those brothers who have been at the top of their peer group professionally can be considered by the selection committee and only completed nominations on the online portal will be processed.   Upon selection, letters of notification are delivered to each recipient, his nominator, and his chapter. The Headquarters staff will arrange for the presentation of the award at an appropriate International Fraternity, undergraduate chapter or alumni chapter event as requested by the honoree. The honoree will also be recognized in that year's winter issue of The Magazine of Sigma Chi.

important dates

  • Nomination form due: Nov. 30
  • Nominator notification: March 15
  • Earliest award ceremony: April 15