/ The Digital library portal of the sigma chi historical initiative /

what is ΣΧ CODEX?

Broadly defined, a codex is a collection of manuscripts stitched together in a single volume. ΣΧ CODEX takes this ancient literary form and gives it a 21st century twist—with this online tool, the various holdings of the Sigma Chi archives are presented in a single place, accessible to any member of the Fraternity and the general public.

Using ΣΧ CODEX, Sigma Chis can search the entire run of The Magazine of Sigma Chi and view articles; search and view historical images and documents; search the database of Sigma Chi authors; and view the artifacts in the museum at Sigma Chi Headquarters.

The first module allowing access to the back issues of The Magazine of Sigma Chi is now online with nearly 4,000 articles available—mostly from the 1940s through the 1970s. Over time, the entire run will be available from 1881 forward. The second module, allowing members to views photographs, went online in September 2011 with nearly 3,000 images–mostly from the Grand Chapter and Active Chapter collections. Modules to view Manuscripts and objects in the musuem are also planned, but currently they are limited to searching catalogue entries. It is possible see what we have catalogued, but there is no ability to view at this time.

Since the establishment of the Sigma Chi Historical Initiative in 2005, providing fast, easy access to Sigma Chi’s collection of historical images, documents, and other resources to the Fraternity’s membership has been one of our primary goals. ΣΧ CODEX is the result of that effort. The Sigma Chi Historical Initiative and the Sigma Chi Foundation invite you to begin using this valuable tool by clicking here.

what is ΣΧ CODEX?

Providing content for ΣΧ CODEX is an ongoing effort and requires the assistance of dedicated volunteers.  The Initiative estimates that the entire run of The Magazine of Sigma Chi contains about 30,000 articles and the Sigma Chi Historical Commission estimates that the Fraternity archives contains nearly half a million photographs, manuscripts, and related artifacts. Whether you are in the Chicago area or not, we could certainly use your help. Such tasks as the building the index that drives the magazine viewer can be done from anywhere. A committment of 5-10 hours would allow you to index one issue of the magazine and you would work right here in ΣΧ CODEX, so there is no need to travel or have a specific software.

If you would like to assist, please contact the Director of The Initiative, Noah Phelps.