Housing Resources

In 2017, under the Chairmanship of Dennis Santolli, 67th Grand Consul Case Western 1967, RMF launched its Constantine Housing Initiative (CHI) to provide, preserve and protect the student housing opportunities that strengthen the Sigma Chi undergraduate and volunteer experience.

CHI serves as a consultative partner for local chapters, house corporations and volunteers

regarding the management, development and conservation of Sigma Chi properties.

CHI works to preserve

  • the life and safety of our members
  • Fraternity property and assets
  • The outward character of Sigma Chi and physical representation of our values, and
  • the continuation of the fraternal residential educational experience.

Over $2.5 million in Sigma Chi housing loans in 2020

We Preserve Through...

  • Offering a Chapter House Property Inspection Program to help identify and resolve issues related to life safety, maintenance and long-term improvements, making housing a competitive advantage for the Sigma Chi overall.
  • Improving chapter house risk management standards, operating procedures and life safety systems.
  • Elevating facilities to better protect brothers and guests, and lowering insurance costs for our members, chapters and local house corporations.
  • Providing property and project management support and resources for house corporation and chapter officers.
  • Enabling broader access to capital for student housing purchase, construction, renovations and life safety improvements.