Best Practices for Party Planning

Best Practices for Party Planning: Hiring Third-Party Vendors

The RMF encourages all Sigma Chi chapters to hire a third-party vendor or venue when hosting an event at their chapter house or off-campus in which alcohol will be served. What is a “third-party vendor”? It’s an alcohol related service provider, such as a licensed bartender or catering service, which is also covered by its own general and liquor liability insurance policies.

When planning an event where a third-party vendor will be necessary, obtain a copy of the RMF’s Third-Party Vendor Checklist and follow the steps it outlines. Doing so will ensure that your chapter is in compliance with the risk management policies of Sigma Chi and the RMF.

For example, some of the responsibilities assumed by a third-party vendor include but are not limited to:

  • Checking identification cards upon entry;
  • Not serving minors;
  • Not serving individuals who appear to be intoxicated;
  • Maintaining absolute control of ALL alcoholic containers present;
  • Collecting all remaining alcohol at the end of a function (no excess alcohol—opened or unopened—is to be given, sold or furnished to the chapter);
  • Removing all alcohol from the premises.

The RMF’s claims history shows that chapters are most vulnerable to expensive alcohol related liability exposures and policy violations when they attempt to assume these responsibilities on their own without the assistance of a third party.

Hire a licensed professional to manage the distribution of alcohol at your chapter functions—it’s one of the smartest moves you can make when planning your next social event.