Partnership with Beyond Publishing Yields New Book Venture for Foundation

The Newsroom | Fall 2021 Issue

The Sigma Chi Foundation has announced its new Sigma Chi Foundation Press (SCF Press), created in partnership with renowned Beyond Publishing, a Dallas-based publishing house specializing in writing print, distribution, and literary representation.


The Foundation’s new publishing house will feature fresh and timely literary works beginning Fall 2021, available to readers everywhere. Amid a booming book market, SCF Press invites avid and casual readers to enjoy a wide variety of literary works, including books from a variety of Sigma Chi authors and genres unique within the bookselling industry. SCF Press offers a simple platform for readers to peruse and purchase, which serves to clarify and enhance the reader’s overall experience.


“SCF Press strives to inspire fresh thinking by seeking out and cultivating bright minds and engaging stories, giving them voice, reach and impact,” says Jay Ford, EASTERN ILLINOIS 1985, Sigma Chi Foundation’s Chief Marketing Officer. “The Press believes that scholarship is a powerful art form in fostering a deeper understanding of our world and affecting how people think, plan and live.”


Given SCF Press’ affiliation with Beyond Publishing, Sigma Chi Foundation guarantees that “there’s no such thing as too many books.” SCF Press is cementing a connection between it’s roster of authors to a larger audience of readers. In the forthcoming months, SCF Press is releasing a steady stream of compelling literary works, providing the world with a pipeline of fresh voices, offering unique and timely works of literature for sale to readers around the globe.


“I am thrilled to be writing and releasing my new book, The Storyteller, with Sigma Chi Foundation Press” says Dell Technologies’ Steve Wideman, HOUSTON 2001. “In a rapidly changing world, SCF Press is committed to the Foundation’s mission and values. Its unparalleled tradition and long history offer a unique opportunity for Sigs to create dialogue and stimulate thinking. The immense size and breath of the Foundation’s community offers a unique audience and marketplace to share members’ books one with another. This is great fit for me and my story.”


For more information, contact Sigma Chi Foundation Press at