RMF Insurance Provider's Website
Constantine Housing Initiative (CHI)
Fraternal Health & Safety Initiative (FHSI)

The Fraternal Health & Safety Initiative – The Fraternal Health & Safety Initiative (FHSI) Consortium was implemented to educate members on sexual misconduct, binge drinking, and hazing.

Alcohol Resources

Dangers of Drinking and Driving – This site provides a brief guide about the dangers of drinking and driving

College Drinking-Changing the Culture – A site sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Choose Responsibility – a nonprofit organization founded to stimulate informed and dispassionate public discussion about the presence of alcohol in American culture and to consider policies that will effectively empower young adults age 18 to 20 to make mature decisions about the place of alcohol in their own lives.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Alcohol and Public Health Fact Sheets

Indiana LifeLine Law – The Indiana Lifeline Law provides immunity for some alcohol-related offenses, subject to certain conditions, to Hoosiers who request medical assistance for someone in need or receieve medical assistance due to a request by someone else.

Quit Alcohol – Drinking and Driving Dangers: How to Avoid Disaster

Hazing Resources



Inside Hazing – College Hazing Statistics

Gordie's Call – A National Campaign to Prevent Alcohol Abuse and Hazing

Life Safety/Fire Resources

Center for Campus Fire Safety – This site provides a place for those interested in campus fire safety to share ideas and learn from their peers.

A newsletter focusing on campus fire safety

NFPA – National Fire Protection Association

NFSA – National Fire Sprinkler Association

Firescience.org – Fire Science Education