Strong Arms for Covid-19

The Sigma Chi Leadership Institute (SCLI) is pleased to share this 20 minute interactive presentation, “Strong Arms for COVID-19” to offer hope and helpful tips to members, family and friends of all ages during these challenging times.

Remember that Sigma Chi is always here and ready with Strong Arms.

Participants will:

  • Review tips for personal wellness, managing stress, and seeking strong arms.
  • Practice tangible strategies to help them cope with stress and build resilience during this crisis.
  • Review a step by step tutorial to accessing external mental health resources and support through the Sigma Chi Reach Out app, which is available to download for free through the app store for Apple devices and the Play store for Google and Android devices.

This abbreviated presentation includes information and videos from the Strong Arms mental health and wellness program that was developed previously in collaboration with the JED Foundation and sponsored by the Zibilich Foundation in honor of their son Keller Zibilich, LOUISIANA STATE 2015.


Please download the PowerPoint file to your computer and review the slides in slideshow mode to get the best learning experience complete with narration, animation, video and journaling activities. 

Password for powerpoint is strongarms

If you’d like to learn more about how Sigma Chi and Sigma Chi Leadership
Institute (SCLI) are supporting our members, please register for the
SCLI Emotional Wellness and Resilience Webinar | Tuesday May 19, 2020 at 4:00-5:00pm CST

If you or someone you know needs additional mental health resources during this unprecedented time of isolation and anxiety, call 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 66746 to speak with a SAMSA disaster distress trained counselor now. Immediate help also is available on the Sigma Chi Reach Out app, on both Apple and Android phones.