
Strategic Areas of Focus


Health, Safety and Wellness 







Letter from International President

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Timothy Sanderson, WESTERN 1985

72nd Grand Consul


We aspire to develop practices and policies that will instill a culture that promotes the lifelong mental, emotional and physical health, well-being and dignity of our members.

Developing a culture of accountability

Develop a culture that effectively promotes the dignity of our members through effective risk management practices that proactively address issues of health, safety and wellness.

Chapter enhancement

Develop and implement an effective restoration and rehabilitation plan that ensures the long-term growth, success and sustainability of our chapters and members

Risk management

Infuse the Fraternity with a risk management and harm reduction focus.

Promoting mental health and wellness

Promote the welfare of our members through education and access to effective mental health resources.


Improve and expand Sigma Chi housing facilities to ensure every housing environment for Sigma Chi members is conducive to personal development with the health, safety and wellness of our members as the foremost objective.

Health, Safety and Wellness Goals

Develop and implement a strategy that reduces the frequency of alcohol/substance abuse conduct cases by 10% each year.

Reduce the frequency of hazing/pledge policy violations by 10% each year.

Develop and implement a strategy to preserve liability insurance costs below $200 per brother.

We aspire to provide meaningful opportunities and experiences that inspire our members, their families and our community of stakeholders to engage with Sigma Chi.


Implement innovative and intuitive tools that enable members to be connected to and engaged in Sigma Chi both internationally and locally.

Create a Culture of Giving Back

Create a culture where members feel inspired to give back in support of Sigma Chi.


Demonstrate Character-in-Action™ to ensure that Sigma Chi is a recognized leader in communities around the world.

Events and Activities

Provide purposeful, fun and meaningful activities and events that draw members together