
Sigma Chi Foundation Releases 2014 Annual Report

In December, the Sigma Chi Foundation released its 2014 annual report, summarizing the organization’s largest projects and accomplishments of the year. Foremost among them was its funding of the Fraternity’s two newest support programs: the Sigma Chi Crossroads alcohol and drug education program, and the Sigma Chi Lifeline online mental health resource and suicide prevention […]

International Sweetheart Nomination Deadline Approaching

This summer, three undergraduate chapter sweethearts will attend the 80th Grand Chapter in San Diego as nominees to become the Fraternity’s 2015 to 2017 International Sweetheart. “Serving as International Sweetheart is a once in a lifetime experience. You’ll have the opportunity to meet brothers and Sweethearts from all walks of life, or as we like […]

Sigma Chi Enters Long-Term Partnership with Huntsman Family

In November 2014, Significant Sig and Order of Constantine Sig Jon M. Huntsman, PENNSYLVANIA 1959, announced his pledge to donate $5 million to finance Sigma Chi’s Horizons leadership development program for the next 10 years. The gift ensures that the four annual sessions of the Horizons program will benefit nearly 2,000 freshmen and sophomore Sigma Chis during […]

New Colony Approved at Bowling Green State University

When Steve Santell, BOWLING GREEN STATE 2016, pledged Sigma Chi, he says that the decision was one that came easily to him. “Starting something new really interested me, as opposed to joining an already established organization,” he says. “Once I learned just how much the Fraternity means to its members of all ages, there was […]

Bonus Peterson Significant Chapter Award Points Available

Last fall, the International Fraternity required its undergraduate chapters to host the Strategic Visioning Journey for the first time, so that brothers could better lay out their goals through writing strategic plans for the 2014 to 2015 school year. The chapters who did so will be pleased to learn that by hosting additional Journey workshops, […]

Balfour Leadership Training Workshop Interns Needed

When he spent the 2014 summer working as a Balfour Leadership Training Workshop (LTW) intern at Sigma Chi International Fraternity Headquarters, Isaac Waalen, MINNESOTA 2015, learned firsthand that there’s much more to hosting an event that brings together nearly 2,000 Sigs than merely showing up. “I was really interested in getting that opportunity to experience […]