Each delegate must be certified by the presiding and recording officers of the chapter he is representing.
The Consul and Annotator from each undergraduate chapter and the president and secretary from each alumni chapter should follow these steps ensure their group’s voice is heard at Grand Chapter:
Note: All delegates must be certified prior to the beginning of Grand Chapter at 8:30 a.m. MT on Friday, June 25. Delegates are required to attend all Grand Chapter business sessions, either in-person or virtually. Business sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m. MT on June 25 and end at 5 p.m. MT on June 26. All alumni delegates attending the event in-person must register as full-package participants. Alumni delegates are responsible for the cost of their registration, transportation and hotel room.
All voting members of the Grand Chapter should review the proposed legislation pieces below and be prepared to vote on them during the 83rd Grand Chapter:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee proposal
All voting delegates of the Grand Chapter should review the nominations tracker to familiarize themselves with the names of those individuals who have been nominated for Grand Officer positions. This information by 10 a.m. CT each Monday.
83rd Grand Chapter nominations tracker.